Thursday, June 28, 2012


If I took away everything that people know me for, who would I be?

At Northwestern, amongst my friends and in Cru, I feel pretty well known. Not in the sense of popularity, but more in the sense of having a distinct character that stands out. I have an identity. I am the funny guy who isn't afraid to be really loud and make himself look like a fool. I am the emcee of Real Life who enjoys having a microphone in his hand and talking until he is told to stop. I'm a now-out-of-the-closet singer who records songs with his roommate in his dorm room. But what if that was all stripped away? Who would I be? How would that feel?

To be honest, I feel pretty satisfied with the identity that I've built for myself. It feels good to have people like me and encourage me. It makes it really easy to be comfortable and "enjoy" life. But what would happen if all my friends stopped laughing at my jokes, maybe even stopped hanging out with me? If I was booed off the stage at Real Life and told I should never talk again? If I had friends who hated my singing and posted nasty comments on my YouTube videos?

It's hard to avoid thinking that I would feel like absolute shit. Pardon my french, but I actually think that I would feel like the scum of all scum, absolutely nothing. These are some of my greatest fears, and it would be incredibly difficult if they were to come true.

My identity is in these things, yet they are temporary. While my fears will most likely never come true, it is possible that they do. And then where will I turn? Will I finally put my identity fully in Jesus? Once all of my other options fail?

Hear me carefully: it is not bad to enjoy good things and have a personality that people like. It is not bad to get upset when we are rejected. The problem comes when those things become our identity.

The moment we begin finding our identity in anything besides Christ is the moment we choose self-sufficiency over reliance on the Spirit. It is the moment that we tell God that our identity in Christ isn't enough, that we need more to be satisfied. When our identity is not in Christ, we are not trusting Him. We are choosing to not believe that He is good, faithful, and enough to satisfy.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

It is when our identity is rooted in Christ that we are living according to His will. It is when we are firm in our faith, remaining in His love, that we can bear fruit, that we can even do anything. When our identity is in the temporary things of this world, we can do nothing. On our own, we can do nothing.

As followers of Christ, our identity is not defined by our sin or the things of this world. This is not how we stand before God. We stand before God justified by Jesus' death on the cross. We are seen as righteous, forgiven, and white as snow. Completely clean. And we are offered the chance to remain in this love. Abide in this love. What reason do we have to find our identity in any other place?

Let's surrender our identities. Let's show with our thoughts and actions that we need no other source of satisfaction. Let's choose to believe that God is good, that He is faithful, and that He is more than enough.

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