Friday, June 8, 2012

And Repeat

It seems like this is going to be a process. I take steps out of my comfort zone as the day goes on, and by the end of the day, I usually have had fun, quality interactions with a couple people. But when I wake up in the morning, the confidence that I have gained is gone. The butterflies in the stomach are there. The uncertainty of who wants to talk to me lingering in my head. Lies dominating my thoughts. So I repeat the process.

Walking in the Spirit is not something that we just begin doing one day. It does not magically become a habit that is a characteristic of our lives. We must make the conscious decision each and every day to walk in the power of God, not in our own. And it is tough because I have always done everything in my own strength. But God's presence does not leave us. He is sealed inside of us, and will never leave us alone. So we repeat the process.

Thankful for a God that always remains faithful.

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