Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Carpe Fricken Diem

It seems like school has become overly repetitive for me. Class, class, class, class, lunch, class, class class. Homework, more homework, mix in a little frustration, a little boredom, and a little anxiety for the weekend and you get the perfect recipe for a pretty mediocre day. It's not very satisfying going through the motions everyday, waiting impatiently as the secondhand slowly rounds the clock minute by minute. It's draining, it's slowly eating away at me, taking away my motivation. While I feel like it may be just beginning, I need to stop it. I need to remember that each day is a chance to learn something new, to try something new, to glorify God. He is with me throughout the day, and while I do remind myself of that now, it is time that I stop reminding and start embracing. Stop telling and start acting. In the words of Brent Phillip, I need to view every day as a battle field, I need to not just make it through every day, I need to conquer everyday.