Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So I'm watching my little cousin Gemma right now and I am really bored so I decided to write a blog post. I should probably be watching what she is doing but she's fine.

As the end of summer approaches, I have reached a crossroads of sorts in my view towards the summer. Most of my time is spent either looking back at all of the good times that I have had or worrying about the forthcoming school year and all of the stress and burdens that come along with it. While I'm doing this, however, I am failing to realize that I am living right now, in this moment, in this second, this little speck of my life that has just come and just gone. While I am dwelling on the past and dreading the future, I am missing out on so many things that are happening now. I'm not necessarily talking about missing hanging out with friends or missing the Cubs game or something material like that, but I may be missing an opportunity to do God's work now. God's plan isn't all about what we're going to do in the future. He wants us to have an impact now, not just think about how we are going to have an impact in the future. What will ever come of us if we are always planning for what's to come and never actually taking the time to stop and realize that there are things that can be done right now.

oh no she just pooped her pants. just kidding.


  1. After reading through this a couple of times, I realized that, to me, it kind of sounded like I was discouraging dreaming because there are things to be done now. However, that is not what I was trying to get at. In fact, I strongly encourage dreaming big dreams and I think that dreaming is great. I just wanted to say that there are things that we can do now in addition to the dreams we have, not instead of. Sorry if anyone was ticked off at me for "dissing" dreaming.

  2. We need both. Dreamers and Now-people. I think lots of people have a tendency to plan and spend all their efforts trying to figure out their future, instead of trusting God with it, and living in the now.

    There's a part of faith which plans ahead, and a part which realizes that the future is in God's hands, and leaves it up to him. It's not wrong to plan ahead; it's wrong to worry excessively about whats ahead.
