Monday, May 14, 2012


A question that I was thinking about today, to which I don't really have an answer: What is the point where our emotions go from just being humans that have feelings to being sin? I'm thinking specifically of sorrow and anger, but I think the question applies for other emotions too.

Sorrow: Sorrow is obviously a natural reaction to many things. I don't think that it is wrong at all to feel sorrow, in fact I think it is very healthy at times. But is there a point when sorrow becomes sin because it is being caused by worry and we are no longer trusting in God?

Anger: Anger seems a little trickier to me. I think that there is righteous anger clearly in the Bible. But is it even possible for humans to have righteous anger? Is is ok then to feel anger? Or is anger always a sin to feel?

Just some thoughts and questions. If you have insights, feel free to comment.

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